In search of the perfect balance (part 1)


This post is also available in: Bulgarian

Well, I came back as much as I didn’t want to (I was secretly hoping to start over and somehow stay in Spain forever), but every fairy tale has its beginning and its end. I will not regret how fast it has gone, but rather will enjoy the memory that it has ever happened at all. I spent a unforgettable week in Spain and my first yoga camp was so refreshing and showed me the really important things in life, I’m very glad that once again I decided to leave my comfort zone and try something completely new for me.

It all started from my mother. She’s practicing yoga more seriously than me. And I didn’t even realize how she was influenced by it all and how flexible she is for the 2 years she trained. My mommy is a vegan too… and a man who has changed his life entirely through diet and sport for just 4 years – weighed 120kg and now 65kg, suffered from various diseases, but this is a very, very long topic, I hope to have another time to tell you more details about it. I practised a few times before – different types of yoga classes in Sofia, but my mother really managed to ignite my passion for it. That’s why we went on an adventure with the largest club of yoga in Bulgaria –, which often organizes yoga camps and excursions in different places and everyone is invited to join (advertised on their Facebook page) and felt yoga in a different way, without the noise of cars and traffic in the city, but only in harmony with yourself and nature.

*I will tell you more about the prices, the hotel and the place in the post dedicated to Spain, because the yoga classes were free and a bonus for the whole trip.

I admit that I seriously underestimated yoga as a method of shaping my body, but it was far more difficult than I expected. I thought that yoga was simply not for me, or at least I didn’t give it the chance to prove otherwise, but I know for sure that this may be a perfect way to lose weight and to get a better, excellent cardio workout, the best method of stretching and toning the muscles as a whole. In addition to the physical benefits it offers, yoga really calms my mind and adds a complete spiritual cleansing, which I most needed, because my nerves and stress have come a little over the past year and I have given too much value to problems and bad things.

I certainly didn’t become a professional for the short time I had regular practices, I have a lot to learn in the quest for the perfect balance, I haven’t mastered the “secret of breathing”, but I definitely was into it and I wish to continue going deeper into the methods of stress-relieving yoga that accumulate daily in my mind and body. However, when you are in harmony, the journey called life is much more complete and sweet. It is worth trying to find my inner peace and balance for myself.

And you don’t need to do much to start practicing yoga, there is only a little desire, inspiration, a place you love and a competent sport set (my one is from Reebok, perfect for the purpose) to feel comfortable. The ideal option is a comprehensive fitness program that includes aerobic, anaerobic and endurance workouts in addition to exercise and flexibility exercises such as yoga. That’s why in the next part 2 of this article I will show you my new diet as well as a sample weight training, perfect during a holiday abroad.


Top – Reebok

Sport bra – Reebok

Tights – Reebok

Shoes SPEED TR – Reebok

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