Hello Autumn! ^_^


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I love this time of the year when everything changes with full force. Weather, nature, colors, fashion and even people. The trees change their green summer dresses with much more beautiful red wine ones to be even more glamorous and unique then before. The London climate can be felt daily in the city. The endless rain is a part of the beautiful melody which I listen drinking my favorite tea.

The minimalism style comes quietly and elegantly in almost every outfit. The delicate pastel shades in autumn collections of each designer are a real inspiration for me. For today’s look I want to present you an elegant everyday vision that I personally prefer for this season. The gentle trench with short sleeves in combination with a white shirt and slim jeans – makes a simple vision, but at the same time elegant. For accessory I trust my favorite wide – brimmed hats, a big bag in soft accent color, high leather boots, a stylish watch in pink gold and glasses with orange frames. This look is a practical solution for me and why not for you?

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Trench coat/ Jeans – Debenhams

Shirt – Gina Tricot

Hat/ Bag – Parfois

Watch – MVMT

Boots – H&M

2 Responses
  • Trounin
    October 28, 2015


    • MintStories
      January 14, 2016

      Благодаря ти! : )))

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