Did you know that…?


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  1. Me and Kalo often shoot in locations where people rarely set foot and we do it even at the worst possible weather. One of our penultimate photosessions was at such a place, high in the mountains, -20 degrees, just because Kalo had chosen this specific location. Fortunately he has found a “crazy” enough person like me to understand it and not to give up halfway and go back. We are both ready to do anything when we want to take the perfect picture.
  2. We are a huge movie buffs! There is no week in which we don’t go to the cinema or watch some old, but worthwhile film at home. We love to find the beauty in every single detail in the film, the sound, the idea, the details, the composition, anything that would help us to do our job even better or inspire us.
  3. Kalo and I have a completely different taste for food. Personally I love to eat mostly salads, but Kalo doesn’t admit food without meat. We always cook together and often two different things to satisfy everyone, but when it comes to something sweet or chocolate we are always on the same wave.
  4. We never quarrel or raise voices to each other about things concerning our relationship. We only do this for things related to our work, because except a couple in life we are colleagues and business partners too. We frequently have to compromise.
  5. We love music. At home is rarely quiet, because as soon as we wake up we tune on some of our favorite radio stations – www.jazzradio.com or www.radionova.bg to play all day for background.
  6. Very often we are on the same opinion and we think in absolutely similar way. This, in most cases helps us to work better and we don’t waste time in fixing details.
  7. We love to travel with almost no luggage and take only the most necessary things, because we hate to carry extra things. We always look for a different and new place full of new challenges and beautiful shooting locations.
  8. Our cat has amazed us with what we can learn from him. For nearly two years he has expressed incredible character. At the beginning of our relationship, Kalo had a severe allergy to cats, but he spent some time with Bebo and the allergy just gone. Love makes miracles, right?
  9. We go together to the gym and greatly support each other in this endeavor. We don’t allow the lazy one to deprive the other from workout.
  10. We have both experienced so many things past the blog that have built us and changed us. We have faced many choices, we’ve lost a lot, but we’ve won a lot more. The best thing is that we have never regretted for anything.

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4 Responses
  • Milena Vitaniva
    March 25, 2016

    Прелест, нежност и любов! Заредихте ме с голяма доза позитивизъм ! Много любими сте!

    • MintStories
      March 26, 2016

      Много се радвам, Мими! Благодаря ти за прекрасните думи. :*

  • the Beauty in my Life
    March 26, 2016

    Прекрасни сте! Пожелавам ви винаги да се обичате и подкрепяте така, както до сега. Правете нещата с лекота и финес, защото ви се отдава! 🙂

    • MintStories
      March 26, 2016

      Благодаря ти, Теди! :*

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