A sunny afternoon on wheels in downtown Sofia


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I missed the beautiful sunny city center since we moved to Dragalevtsi. I wasn’t gone down for long just for a walk to buy a nice multi-grain bread from HleBar bakery, white flowers from the small flower shop on Shipka Street, to see what’s new in Elephant Bookstore or just to walk with Kalo in Oborishte Street and tell him: “hey, look at this house how beautiful it is, we’ll live her someday , see this one how the whole house is in ivy, I wonder if bugs get through the windows”… Every time I stop in front of the ivy house – it looks like a real fairy tale, everytime I expect to see something super interesting and mysterious there. We have a real fairytale in Sofia’s center, especially when it’s summer, everything has blossomed and people are often missing (but I notice a tendency every summer in the capital – it becomes more and more full, I don’t know if the inhabitants have increased or no one takes a long summer break anymore but certainly summer in the city is not like before).Is it only me or do you notice anything like that?

Along with the unnecessary care and problems of the renovations of our two homes I had forgotten what it was like to drink your coffee in peace without rushing somewhere. Even when we sat in the Bakery near the Spanish High School I took my coffee in a cardboard cup thinking that I would go with the cup again but not this time. The afternoon was only for us, we rode our bicycles for about two hours, I won’t go into extra detail how hard it is to ride a bicycle in the center, you really need big enthusiasm and desire to forget for a moment all the moving tiles, holes and bumps, at least drivers gave me more of the advantage this time but it was probably because of my sweet bicycle basket and my new mustard-colored sweater. At least three girls stopped me to ask me which brand the sweater is and it’s my first budget fall for the fall, less than 10 euro by LC Waikiki.

Are you ready for the autumn or are you still on a summer wave?


Bicycle – Creme Cycles from dragzone.bg

Pants and sweater – LC Waikiki


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